Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving holiday hikes in the bay area!

Mid Peninsula Open Space Preserve in fog
Everybody has heard of and probably participated in a Turkey Trot. Some did their annual run this last weekend while others will wait until the traditional Thursday morning or first Saturday following Thanksgiving to burn a few extra calories. Have you ever heard of a Turkey Trek? No, me neither but you can learn all about it in the Mid Peninsula Open Space Preserve's Fall 2012 newsletter. On page 16 they have 3 activities listed to help get you out of the house and into the woods over the holiday weekend.
  1. Ranch San Antonio OSP- Wed 21st from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm- Join docents Bill Korbholz, Lynn Jackson, Dennis Smith and Laura Levin as you participate in the second annual search for the wild turkeys known to inhabit this preserve. You'll explore some of the upper meadows, lunch at a great vista, and return through Deer Hollow Farm on this 5- mile hike guaranteed to justify the next day's celebration.
  2. Monte Bello OSP- Thur 22nd from 9:00am - 12:00pm- Get ready for the big meal ahead by joining docents Paul Billing and Elaine Rossignol for a brisk morning walk to the top of Black Mountain. The 5-mile hike with few stops will include an elevation gain of 800' ft and take you on Canyon, Bella Vista, and Old Ranch Trails. Afterwards you can enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner and have second helpings because you earned it!
  3. Los Trancos OSP- Fri 23rd from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm- You're invited to forget yesterday's overindulgence and escape the madness of the busiest shopping day of the year. Join docents Keith Johgnsgard and Steve Bruglar on this annual "opt-out" hike where you'll experience serene silence and smog-free air in a world without concrete. You'll walk a 3-mile double loop beneath the towering forest canopies of the Franciscan and Lost Creek Trails with a creek-side stop for lunch.
If you have ever wanted to get familiar with these preserves and needed a little bit of guidance this is the perfect opportunity. Take the time to drive here and get familiar with where to park. Get familiar with where the bathrooms are located and where the trail heads begin and then get a tour of some of the most fantastic trails in the mid-peninsula. After this you can come back anytime and expand on your ever growing knowledge of a wonderful preserve system.

See you in the woods,


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