Saturday, June 20, 2015

I'm making a come back and you're coming with me!

I've had a long lay off lately. That tends to happen from time to time when work and family get hectic for me. I thinkI have a handle on things now so I'm officially announcing my comeback and I'm looking for those of you who also want to get back on track. I got $10 bucks off for the first 10 people who want to race the Tick Trail Blaze with me in August. Doesn't matter if you want the 5k or the Half, the discount will apply. I'm feeling way out of shape so I'm going for the 10k and I'm aiming for sub 1 hour. At Huddart Park thats a pretty good goal! This race also includes a 'treasure hunt' that gives all runners a chance to win a ton of cool prizes (free race entries, Sasquatch Racing hoodies, a YEAR'S WORTH OF KETTLE CHIPS!!!, and more).Here's the details of the race and that discount code.

WHEN: SUNDAY, 8/2/15, Half Marathon starts at 9:15, 10K starts at 9:30, Family Friendly 1K & 5K starts @ 9:45
WHERE: 1100 KINGS  MOUNTAIN ROAD, HUDDART PARK, WOODSIDE, CA. 94062COST: 5K-$35-$50, 10K-$45-$60, HALF-$75-$90

Participant Perks
All participants receive a pre-race warmup from Sweat Republic SF, epic views, awesome trails, adventure, a shot at winning the ARM sponsored ‘Silver Shoe Challenge‘, fuel from Powerbar at aid stations, post-run beverages from Hint WaterSOS Rehydrate, beers from a local microbrewery, Crunch Culture Yogurt, snacks from Mamma Chia, peanut butter pretzels, M&Ms, post-run massage fromPSOAS Massage/Bodywork, and more!
We’ll even have a band playing music at the end of the race to round out this family friendly trail party!

Family Friendly 1K runners receive a Tick Trail Blaze woodallion and a Sasquatch Racing Buff.
5K/10K runners receive a Tick Trail Blaze woodallion and a Tick Trail Blaze technical shirt.
Half Marathon runners receive a Tick Trail Blaze medal (that doubles as a bottle opener) and a Tick Trail Blaze technical shirt.
Take a peek at the medals (Half marathoners) and woodallions (1K/5K/10K runners)….

Tick medal 2015Tick Trailblaze Woodallions 2015

Why is a Tick the event mascot?
We’re very fortunate to have The Bay Area Lyme Foundation as our race series sponsor. The Bay Area Lyme Foundation is committed to making Lyme disease easy to diagnose and simple to cure.
Lyme disease is the fastest growing vector-borne illness in the US.  It is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected backlegged tick. Most infections are caused by the nymphal form of the tick. These immature ticks are the size of a small poppy seed, allowing them to easily escape discovery.
Never done one of our races before? Check out the following video to get an idea of the awesome trails, epic views, and excellent people you will experience on race day!

Sign up HERE  and be sure to use the code SFTRAILS at check out for a $10 discount

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